Why understanding people is so complicated
We are almost 8 billion people in the world.
8 000 000 000 people.
I think we can all say that it’s impossible to understand all the persons, but we can understand the person that is with us all day long.
It’s quite simple, there is a says…. “ we are the medium of the 5 people we hang around”.
When I hang around with my friends, I know them because we talk to each other for years and we go to parties, go to restaurants etcetera…
The thing that matters the most is that we care about them.
No matter what.
This is the golden word.
Because if you need me for money, you can learn how you can be my friend, but it takes months or years, the same stuff for other things that are cureless.
You can be my real friends, only after a true thought about me, as a person (good thought).
This means that you do this because you will do it in every case, so it will be easier to be a friend of mine (or everybody else).
If you take care of a human being, he will become one of your mates, believes me, soon or long, he will be.
“Oh, that’s it? ”
The basis of human beings is love.
When you are born you love your mama even if you don’t know what that word means.
You love her and she loves you.
Love in every form returned in another form.
Write this on a whiter paper and eat it, because you have to remember it, forever, ok?
There is a book (you probably know it)
“How to win friends and influence people ” written by Dale Carnegie.
There are 30 rules in that book that are powerful.
I don’t want to write all of that, but I will write what of these I use the most in my life.
“Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.”
“Give honest and sincere appreciation.”
“Become genuinely interested in other people.”
“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
“Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.”
“If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.”
“Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.”
“Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.”
“Throw down a challenge. “
“Begin with praise and honest appreciation.”
“Ask questions instead of giving direct order.”
If you want to know all the rules, buy the book, trust me, is a good investment.
If you don’t want to buy it, I link a HubSpot summary here.
I hope you understand this, try it with a strange person and when you can finally say “you are my friend” to that kind, remember me and this article.
If you are an introvert, and you think “I will never have a friend”.
I am too and I probably know how you be (especially on this day with this virus….)
Don’t worry, we are gonna pass this time, you will be out and you’ll find friends, fantastic friends.
Trust me even if we don’t recognize each other.
Everything will be ok.